Staff Repoter :: Not so long but within just few months Alvee have released a great amount of songs to get exposure and to showcase his talent. He have been collaborating with well known artists such as Tawsif Mahbub, Toya & the famous youtuber Tawhid Afridi. Alvee have also worked with famous bollywood Labels such as “SVF”, His mashups are the most hit contents, each mashups has over 10 million views across Youtube. He is looking forward to keep this flow of work and to collaborate with more artists.
He has also launched his music production academy in Pune, India known as Alvee Studios, soon he will be launching couple of more branches of his academy. Besides Bollywood he is also focusing in domestic projects.
Alvee also says “At a very young age his passion and dreams towards music is a challenge for him but he will take these challange and try to accomplish them, he never took music production & composition as a commercial term.
His album Musicality vol 2 is scheduled for release in June 2018, grand launching in Mumbai
BDPressRelease/SHS/13 May 2018
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